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More or Less - MathStart 2 - Comparing Numbers
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Mr. Shaw, the principal of Bayside School is retiring, so all the students and teachers, and family and friends are having a picnic in his honor. There are lots of game booths, and the most popular is "Let Eddie Guess Your Age!" Eddie, blindfolded and sitting on a chair over a large tub of water, can figure out how old someone is by asking a few key questions: "Is you age less than 10?" "Yes." "More than 7?" "Yes." "It is an even number?" "No." "Then you're 9 years old," says Eddie triumphantly. If Eddie has to ask more than 6 questions, he gets dunked.n Find out whether Eddie can swim!
Comparing numbers is an important part of the understanding the mathematical concepts of "greater than" and "less than,"and for developing skills for making logical guesses.
Stuart J. Murphy
David T. Wenzel
Recommended Ages:
6 - 10 years
Girls Love STEAM Review:
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For ages 12 and under
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For ages 13-17
For ages 18 & Above