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Maria's Comet
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Is this book about a real woman in STEAM?
Maria's wish burns as brightly as a star.
Maria longs to be an astronomer and imagines all the strange worlds she can travel to by looking though her papa's telescope. One night Maria gets her chance to look through the telescope. For the first time, she sees the night sky stretching endlessly above her, and her dream of exploring constellations seems close enough to touch.
In this story, inspired by the life of Maria Mitchell, America's first woman astronomer, "viewers will find the cobalt-blue nights, lit with constellations that make imaginary (and actual) pictures in the sky, every bit as attractive as Maria does."
Deborah Hopkinson
Deborah Lanino
Recommended Ages:
4 - 8 years
Maria Mitchell
Girls Love STEAM Review:
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For ages 12 and under
Parent Permission Required
For ages 13-17
For ages 18 & Above