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Magnificent Minds - 16 Pioneering Women in Science and Medicine
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Is this book about a real woman in STEAM?
Against all odds...the paths forged by these 16 pioneering women in science are astonishing examples of unparalleled achievement and resilience that wove compelling tales of the women in history's evolving role in society. ..for ages 12+.
Here are a few you will meet:
- Florence Nightingale as she introduces the use of statistics in public health -
- Marie Curie who is still the only person to have won the Nobel Prize in both physics and chemistry--and
the only winner whose daughter also won a Nobel Prize
- Laura Bassi one of the first women ever awarded a doctoral degree in 17th century Italy
- Emmy Noether a founder of Abstract Algebra
- Grace Hopper who's contributions were fundamental to the development of computing
- Gertrude B. Elion who is one of the most prolific inventors of new drugs in the 20th
Full of information about the development of women in science over four centuries, this compelling narrative paints a very clear picture of the systemic bias that is still evidenced in the science world today. Through the triumphs of these remarkable women, you'll find role models and maybe, just
Pendred E. Noyce
Tumblehome Learning, Inc.
Recommended Ages:
12+ years
Girls Love STEAM Review:
Additional Reader & Professional Reviews:
A terrific gathering of extraordinary women scientists and physicians. These profiles capture the curiosity, intelligence and creativity by which they overcame gender bias and cultural bias to make groundbreaking contributions to science and medicine.
-- Sandra K. Masur, PhD, Chair, Women in Cell Biology (WICB) of American Society for Cell Biology Professor, Ophthalmology, Icahn School of Medicine ay Mount Sinai
The sixteen heroines of these pages dared their way to discovery. In her recounting of their achievements, Pendred Noyce assures the new generation of STEM-empowered girls that women have a history in science as well as a future.
--Dana Sobel, author of Longitude, Galileo's Daughter, and A More Perfect Heaven
A wonderful collection of stories. I liked that I could be surprised about aspects of the lives of women scientists with whom I was already familiar...The author provided explanation and context of both a scientific and a geopolitical nature. I hope the author will keep the stories coming.
--Shirley Malcom. Head, Education and Human Resources, American Association for the Advancement of Science
*Store prices may vary.
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For ages 12 and under
Parent Permission Required
For ages 13-17
For ages 18 & Above