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Hidden Women: The African-American Mathematicians of NASA Who Helped America Win the Space Race
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Is this book about a real woman in STEAM?
Tells the gripping story of four female African-American mathematicians who literally made it possible to launch US rockets--and astronauts--into space. Tells the thrilling tale of how each woman contributed, the struggles and resistance each experienced, and the amazing results. Consultants currently works for NASA.
At a time when segregation was still the law of the land and everyone knew girls didn't dream of science careers, African-American mathematicians performed the critical calculations that allowed America to reach for outer space. In this book from the Encounter: Narrative Nonfiction series, young readers will learn about how these women broke both racial and sex barriers to become a key part of NASA's development. Then, they'll learn how women working at NASA today feel about the space agency's efforts to increase diversity — and what they hope for the future. with its narrative tone full of existing twists and turns, this is a compelling look at the women who helped our astronauts take flight.
Rebecca Rissman
Capstone Press
Recommended Ages:
8 - 12 years
Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson, Dorothy Vaughan
Girls Love STEAM Review:
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For ages 12 and under
Parent Permission Required
For ages 13-17
For ages 18 & Above